Home / Environmental Responsibility

Our activities are developed in an environmentally friendly manner, reducing and avoiding negative impacts from our internal processes.

Use of new environment-friendly technologies.

This process is done in all our offices and warehouses, generating a greater efficiency in lighting while decreasing electricity consumption and requiring less maintenance due to the long lifetime of this technology.

Water Usage.

With the help of posters and low consumption toilets, we generate awareness for a better use of this resource within our internal community.

Purchases of supplies and services.

We seek to make our purchases of supplies and services are from companies and/or civil organizations that share our values ​​of social responsibility and respect for the environment.

Waste disposal.

We always seek to classify our waste in separated containers and promote its correct use among our internal community. Likewise, wastes indicated by current environmental regulations, are made available to authorized companies for their disposal and destruction in a safe way, thus avoiding health risks.

Cold storage rooms.

We have high efficiency, low power consumption environmental rooms, thus reducing energy consumption.


All of our vehicles are used efficiently and subjected to rigorous reviews to order to remain an optimal operating condition and to comply with all legal and environmental requirements.

Personal and property security.

All our facilities have security systems and protocols that provide a safe and stable environment in which to work.

Care and conservation of green areas.

Our offices have arefully preserved green areas, which create a pleasant and positive effect in our community and environment.

Campaigns for the environment.

We develop and promote an environmentally friendly culture among our internal community, through campaigns to use and care for our resources with benefits for staff members, their families, the company and the community.